Anupama is a game project I built for my fiance for her birthday. In this game I focused more on narrative. I used the “Fool’s Journey” for inspiration. Farah (my fiance) is a yogi, a UX designer, and a very spiritual person. So using the Major Arcana from the Tarot cards was a huge source of inspiration.
I built 3 chapters, each focusing on a different plane of existence.
- Physical plane
- Mental Plane
- Spiritual Plane
In each chapter, she met friends and family and mentors that helped her through her journey. Each character resembled card from the Major Arcana, for example: the heirophant was her bachelor project supervisor, the hermit was her yoga guru and so on.
I used Unity for this project, daz studio to create the characters and FaceGen to create the characters so that they would look like the real people from her life. I also used a LipSync to sync voice acting from those people to the characters.